Tech News (219)

Defnet's Digital News from in and around Liverpool


At Social Media Cafe Last month Franics Irving the CEO of Scraperwiki discussed digital nests and where will we be making our digital home in future, will it be facebook or will that have goine by then or will it be that smaller networks spring up and populated by area, such as the Liverpool Network etc. So how will we use Social Media in future? Some of the new platforms debuted at South by South West may help answer that question or do they just muddy the waters more. 
Watch the video and come down to the next #SMCliv and contribute to the debate.
Monday, 12 March 2012 23:22

My Global Entrepreneur Week - recommends

GEC_approved_eventThere is a lot going on in Liverpool this week and I'm abit late in checking out what's going on, in my case there is to much going on as I will get to as much as I'd like. 

So lets Kick it off. 

Wednesday, 29 February 2012 10:32

It's a Hackshack baby

hackshack.1Do you get frustrated with using, doing or making something because nobody thought of your needs when designing a product?

Do you want to create something but get annoyed that doing so is un-necessarily difficult for you?
If the answer is yes then Full Circle Arts are interested in you coming along to #HACKSHACK
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From the sonic art archive

Kaffe Matthews -

August Rain In New York Doorways

Click to listen and for a free download



Recorded Live at Leaf Cafe on 4th May


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